Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reply to a comment made on Blog Post "Advanced Life Servive vs. Basic Life Service

I am very concerned about the post by Mrs. Wallace. Yes, A BLS only agency can provide many services to help a patient depending on the patients condition. However, at absolutely no time will an IV be started on a patient unless the patients condition warrants it. To outright accuse an ALS Tek of starting an IV so that they can, as Mrs. Wallace states, BOOST the charges, is irresponsible and slanderous and she should consider the possible legal ramifications of an accusation such as this. I am appalled that anyone would even think that this is true let alone, put it in writing for the world to see.
There are many things that a BLS provider (EMT) can do for a patient but there are also many things that they cannot do. As was written in a post on this blog by Kathytemp on October 19,2013, an ALS equipped ambulance with an ALS provider (Critical Care Tek or Paramedic) on board, can essentially provide the same treatment to a patient that they will receive in the Emergency Room. The biggest difference between ALS and BLS is the training that the provider receives. An EMT receives approximately 190 hours of classroom time. A critical Care Technician receives approximately 400 - 500 hours of classroom training and a Paramedic receives a minimum of 1100 classroom hours. These hours do not include the numerous hours that the CCT and Paramedic have to do to get on-line status. The Paramedic program is, in many areas of New York, a 2 year degree program. The CCT and Paramedics also have to attend a minimum of at least 12 hours of continuing education each year just to remain on-line in this region. EMT's do not have the same requirements. Thurman EMS has minimum "patient contact time". When an agency, ALS or BLS only handles 80 to 100 calls a year, there is no way that a provider can remain proficient at their skills or with their ability to appropriately assess a patient. Easy calls are far and few between and if the EMT or ALS Tek that has little hands on patient time gets a really "difficult" call, the ability of that provider to provide optimal care to the patient is drastically reduced.
Again, well trained and proficient providers are essential to quality patient care. EMT's can provide many services to a patient but they are limited, both in their scope of practice and their training. When an ALS Tek decides to place an IV in a patient, they are doing this for a very good reason. All patients are treated according to their condition and an IV is not started if the patient does not need it. All ALS calls are reviewed and any concerns that are found are addressed immediately.
As a fellow Health Care Professional, I sincerely resent the accusations made by Mrs. Wallace. I would sincerely think an apology would be in order to all of the Health Care Professionals that are deeply offended by her remarks and accusations. At the same time I am sorry for Mrs. Wallace because if she actually feels that what she wrote was true, she has missed the point in why we do what we do, always provide optimal patient care for the people that call for us in their time of need. What we do, providing pre-hospital medical care is a profession, and should be provided by true professionals.
Thank you for your time,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Decision of the Appellate Court; The State of New York v. John Haskell

In response to a viewer of this blog, please find the Appeal and Decision of the the Appellate Court on the Felony charge against John Haskell for Defrauding the Government of the lower court, upheld by the Supreme Court.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Proposals on Thurman Ballot

The following are the proposals that will be on the back of your ballot when you cast your vote. Please be sure to flip your ballot over and vote on these proposals. It would be recommended that if you aren't already familiar with them, that you do your homework before you go to your polling place.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Audio from the "Debate"

Okay folks, the long awaited audio from the "debate" hosted by the League of Women Voters on Oct. 22, 2013 at 7 p.m.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sample Ballot for Thurman

The following is a Sample Ballot for Thurman. If you choose, you may view it before casting your vote on Nov. 5

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An apology

I know a lot of you were anxiously awaiting the recording of the debate from last night. We received an unwelcome virus, not that any are welcome, on our computer and shut us down for the day. The Audio will be displayed within 24 hours. Thank you for being patient with us while we fix the problem.

BOE Video

The following is an informational video describing how the new voting process works.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Meet the Candidates Debate

There will be a debate hosted by The League of Women Voters at the Thurman Town Hall, October 22 starting at 7 p.m.
If you plan on attending you are advised to get there early, as seating is limited.
This is planned to be a Question and Answer type forum, therefor, if you have questions you would like submitted it would be a good idea to have them written ahead of time, possibly on 3 X 5 cards.
We are told that personal attacks will not be permitted, so please stick to the issues at hand.
Additionally, it may be a good idea to bring along your own chair if you are not used to standing for long periods of time.
Finally, If you cannot attend, please check back on this blog. We will have a digital recording of the debate posted here for those who cannot attend.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Post Star Article on White Space

The Right to Serve in Office

The following is a letter from an Attorney to Warren County Board of Elections in regard to John Haskell's ability to run or serve as Thurman Town Supervisor;
September 30, 2013
Via Email:
And US Mail
Mr. William A. Montfort, Comm. Ms. Mary Beth Casey, Comm. Ms. Elizabeth J. McLaughlin, Dep. Comm. Ms. Emily Kladis, Dep. Comm.
Warren County Board of Elections Co. Municipal Ctr. 3rd Fl.- Human Serv. 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845
Re: John M. Haskell
Sub: Qualification to run for election or to hold public office pursuant to a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities.
Dear Commissioners:
The purpose of this letter is to request an immediate ruling and order regarding a party’s ability to seek, be elected and hold public office under an active, temporary State of New York, Certificate of Release from Disabilities imposed on such party.
Due to the critical timing of the upcoming elections, we request your consideration of this matter, and appropriate action taken prior to the upcoming general election, to allow otherwise qualified candidates to be identified on the ballot, or substitution of the runner-up to the primary election for the primary winner on the general ballot.
Facts: On September 12, 2013, former Thurman supervisor John M. Haskell defeated current Thurman supervisor Evelyn Wood in the Republican Primary, leaving Warren County’s residents, especially its Republican residents in a quandary.
In 2008, Mr. Haskell was convicted of a felony involving the creation of an easement to his access locked property while holding the office of Town Supervisor. The nature of the infraction leading to the conviction and the level of punishment imposed (felony) has been, and is a subject of significant debate in the Town. Regardless, the crime was committed, investigated and Mr. Haskell was convicted of a felony; defrauding the Government. The court upheld the Warren County Supreme Court’s decision that Mr. Haskell bought a landlocked parcel of property and then, improperly convinced the Thurman Town Board to convey him right-of-way access across adjacent town-owned land.
At the time, there were other extenuating circumstances involving town governance and budget mismanagement, which lead to the imposition of the felony. See State of New York’s Comptroller Report for 2007 – 2008 at:
The history of the conviction and certificate has created significant discussion and animosity among the residents of Thurman, Party Lines, and in the media:
Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities
Eligibility: Individuals who have been convicted of an offense or crime or their first felony may apply for a certificate of relief from civil disabilities at (1) the time of their sentencing, (2) the time of their parole, or (3) any time after conviction, but not during incarceration.
Restrictions on Issuance: The court and parole board may not issue a certificate to relieve an applicant of: (1) the bar on felons holding public office; (2) the bar on felons holding a hospital operating license; (3) any disabilities imposed as a result of a conviction concerning driving while impaired; or (4) the ability of the Motor Vehicles commissioner to suspend or revoke licenses of nonresidents or unlicensed individuals.
Effect of Certificate: The law states that an individual holding a certificate (1) may not be automatically barred from “any license, permit, employment or franchise, including the right to register for or vote in an election, or of any other right or privilege” (New York Code, Article 23, § 701(1)(2)) and (2) his conviction may not be deemed a conviction for purposes of civil disabilities laws. However, the law allows individuals to ultimately base their decisions on the certificate holder's criminal conviction. Mr. Haskell is the Holder of a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities, NYSID 03829720Q, Dated January 5, 2010 and temporarily effective until January 5, 2015 which in pertinent part, under Section 11 a. specifically states: This Certificate shall relieve the Holder of all forfeitures, and of all disabilities and bars to employment, excluding the right to retain or be eligible for public office, by virtue of the fact that the certificate is issued at the time of sentence. (See attached Exhibit A) Thus, pursuant to the Certificate, Mr. Haskell does not have the right to run for public office, nor hold public office if appointed, in such circumstances were Mr. Haskell were appointed to a public office until a special election could be held. We ask the Board to consider three other issues; two relevant to Certificate of Relief from Disabilities in general, and the other specific to this particular Certificate. First, New York Code, Article 23, § 701(3) the Board has the discretionary power to refuse to permit a privilege. Second, as Mr. Haskell’s previous conviction occurred as a consequence of his employment as Town Supervisor. After the election, should he prevail, he would be employed as Town Supervisor. New York Code, Article 23, §752 (1) prohibits a party from a job with a direct relationship to his conviction. §752. Unfair discrimination against persons previously convicted of one or more criminal offenses prohibited. No application for any license or employment, and no employment or license held by an individual, to which the provisions of this article are applicable, shall be denied or acted upon adversely by reason of the individual's having been previously convicted of one or more criminal offenses, or by reason of a finding of lack of "good moral character" when such finding is based upon the fact that the individual has previously been convicted of one or more criminal offenses, unless: (1) There is a direct relationship between one or more of the previous criminal offenses and the specific license or employment sought or held by the individual; or
(2) the issuance or continuation of the license or the granting or continuation of the employment would involve an unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public. [Underscore Added] Finally we note that the notary did not stamp the certificate and wonder whether the lack of stamp may void the Certificate, ab initio. As non-affiliated residents of the Town of Thurman, we request an expedited ruling on whether Mr. Haskell may indeed run or hold elected office. We believe that by allowing Mr. Haskell to run for office when he is no longer qualified to do so violates the Certificate of Relief from Disabilities, and more importantly, runs afoul of the principles of our democracy.
Concerned Residents of the Town of Thurman, NY

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Advanced Life Service vs. Basic Life Service

Note: at February's town meeting a motion was made to support T.E.M.S. with $62,000, the motion was not seconded.
Subsequently, the town board contracted with Warrensburg E.M.S. for $30, 000 for the remainder of 2013 and $50,000 for 2014 with ALS qualified technicians.

If you have questions please post them. We are in contact with an EMS Operations Manager and we will answer your questions.
Below please find the link to Collaborative Protocol.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thurman Tax Rate Chart 2006 to date

The following chart illustrates Tax rate increases and decreases from 2006 to 2013. If you have questions about the chart, we will answer them to the best of our ability.
Comments are welcome.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

B.O.E Update

We just got off the phone with Warren County Board of Elections Commissioner Mary Beth Casey and she has informed us that when casting your vote for the General Election as long as you have voted before you are good to go. You will be asked for your name and required to sign on the signature page as always. Additionally, Inspectors are not allowed to request Identification.
If there is a problem you would like to report you are asked to do so immediately. To reach the Board of Elections the phone numbers are 761-6458 or 761-6459.