In only less than 2 months. Thurman has lost a supervisor, Ms Wood, a board member Jey Youngblood, a secretary for the supervisor Sally Feihel, Gleaning and food pantry volunteers Mr and Mrs Decker, and today, the volunteers for the Youth Commission, Nancy and Don Decker and Bob Shepler.
Turning their backs on the very town they claimed to love.
The historic Jack Wax party can still be held however, despite many efforts to encourage these people to continue with it. Not one who finds reason to complain or spread false rumors has bothered to come forward and offer to figure out a plan to keep this tradition going.
Question is. Is it really a loss? I must also ask the question, " What do all of these people have in common?"
The answer is, they are ALL close friends through their "connections" not only with the town. But on the outside as well. As for the loss? Absolutely no loss there.
An email was brought to my attention that contained a conversation between the former town supervisor and a town resident who happens to be related to a town board member at the time.
This email also contained the names and email addresses to all of the people listed above due to it being forwarded to them each including former board member Gail Seaman and a few others proving they are a close nit click.
Out of the entire email. One statement has stuck in my mind and was clearly referenced towards their political opponents. And that is,
"They know we can be discredited left and right and they are willing to do it."
Could this statement contain the reason for their ditching the town of Thurman?
I'd have to say, it most likely does.
To date, the former town supervisor and her former personal secretary have "refused" to aid the chair person currently in charge with gaining access to any of the towns account.
In fact, they were quoted as referring to the towns computers as "my computer" in their very weak statements they posted on social media with reasons as to why they would not hand over passwords.
Those computers are actually considered government property.
This refusal has been done out of spite and has caused hardships for the chair person to conduct daily business and will only result in an unecessary expense of hiring a tech to gain access to the accounts.
Regardless, the new board will prevail despite the intentional sabotage of the functioning of town business by these people who once "claimed" to care about the town and it's residents. Guess that was a lie and leads one to wonder, we're they only there for their own personal agenda or benefits?
In the end, who has gotten hurt with all of this?
For starters, the Children due to the youth commission volunteers QUITTING just days prior to the Valentines day party for the making of valentine's for veterans. Veterans due to the youth commission QUITTING.
Town highway workers due to the REFUSAL of the former supervisor Evelyn Wood to aid in the access and/or creation of new passwords for town accounts. Along with the refusal from Sally Feihel for the same etc. AND the towns residents.
Overall, Is this all the worst thing that could have happened to Thurman? No.
This could have been the very best thing for the town of Thurman even though it may not seem that way right now. We must understand the new board was left with a very big mess to sort through, clean up and fix and they have been working extremely hard towards these goals.
As for the "quitters". Their departure has spoken volumes. They give their long sob stories for excuses for ditching the town. When in reality. They were simply "Weak links". Nature most certainly does have a way of taking care of itself. And that's called.