Friday, April 17, 2015

Petition for Permissive Referendum on transfer of funds

 Below you will find a copy of the Petition for Permissive Referendum on the transfer of funds to the Town of Thurman Highway Dept.
We obtained this copy on Wednesday April 15, 2015. It had not been redacted, meaning it still had signers residence. It has since been redacted as you will see under the heading "Residence" for the privacy of those signers.

1 comment:

  1. Council Man Mike Eddy carried this petition around after many board meetings where input was looked for by Supervisor Wood. Mr. Eddy had no suggestions as to how to solve the money issues. He offered nothing in the way of constructive solutions and when asked repeatedly what he wanted or what his solution would be if the referendum succeeded he had no answer. I would love to know what he told these people who signed it. Did they just sign it blindly since he was the one asking or did he actually have something in mind that he told them but no one else.
