It is my opinion that these such shenanigans are an attempt to make you believe falsehoods about me. Let me set the record straight. I have been seen in the company of many people in this town and many surrounding towns as well. I have been seen at Cub Scout Committee Meetings where I hold the Advancement Chair, Cub Scout meetings where I am a Den Leader, Democratic Committee Meetings where I am the Chairwoman of our town committee, the Board of Assessment Review where I am the Chairwoman of that committee... I could go on if you'd like, but I think you get the picture.
Was I at that "public meeting" with the Eddy's, well, you could say yes. I should point out though, that also in attendance at that meeting was Susan Shepler and Council Member John "Jey" Youngblood. So, you could say that I was there with them as well.
This meeting was not within our town, though. It was held at Bolton town hall where Bob Freeman held a seminar about Open Meetings Law and Freedom of Information Law also known as FOIL. Did I ask questions? I most certainly did. What you might choose to question is whether or not your current board members asked any, and the answer to that I'm afraid is, "No".
What you get if you choose me this November is a board member who will ask questions and get answers. A board member who will listen to your concerns and bring them back to the board meetings. A board member who will research the issues in this town and reply with an answer. And finally, a board member who will work to reinstate your privilege to be able to speak and get answers at town board meetings.
I am the Candidate in the Center, I will listen to you and answer to everyone!